v10.1 [Nov 27, 2015]
User interface changes:
- Added Main Window Dialog Position to Options - Preferences - General.
- Fixed initial locations of some main window dialogs to properly locate based on preferences.
- Fixed not graying Render Alpha menu option when non-alpha image.
- Improved appearance and utility of Help - Program Updates.
- Fixed initial folder selected when browsing to select a folder.
- Fixed move/copy a file during slide show would bring the main ThumbsPlus window to the front.
- Maximum view window zoom increased to 128X.
- Added hard-coded zooms Ctrl+1,2,... to 10%, 20%, etc.
- Improved readability of the Metadata panel by setting the default to Use thumbnail colors everywhere in Options - Customize - Colors. If you're upgrading, I recommend enabling this option, or clicking Use defaults.
- Added an option in Options - Preferences - Confirmations for the confirmation of File - Delete to default to Yes, to match Windows Explorer behavior. The default for deleting folders default remains No for safety.
- In Options - Customize, I changed the customization category of several command from Clipboard to Edit, to match where they are on the main menu. Renamed the Clipboard category to Clipboard Copy. I also moved Tag and Untag Thumbnail to the Thumbnail category, as they were misplaced in Edit. (In the future, I will reduce the number of categories and disambiguate some ambiguous commands!)
- Changed the default for overwriting files during Image - Batch Process and Thumbnail - Export to be Yes, to match default Windows behavior.
- Fixed the height of the Metadata toolbar to match the heights of the Location and Thumbnail View toolbars.
- Fixed the File toolbar in the View window to be customizable.
- Cleaned up the database history in the Database - Open flyout menu to remove duplicates, sort by most recent, and check the currently-opened database.
- File - Properties wasn't always showing the proper file size for files larger than 4 GB.
- Made File - Copy and File - Move menu flyouts only add the special folders specified in Options - Proferences - Disks and Folders. Also made the names consistent with what shows in the main folder tree.
- Thumbnail - Remove - From Folder was not updating the thumbnail view.
- The Image - Color Adjust and Image - Color Depth dialogs did not have titles.
- Added File - Close Others to the view window menu (to close all other windows besides the current one).
- Moved Repair and Compact from Database - Advanced to the main Database menu.
- Added Database - Advanced - Move Thumbnails to Files to make the process easier (in earlier versions you had to type several Python commands).
- Fixed several blank dialog box captions (Color Depth, Adjust Color, and External Program).
- Improved Python panel command handling and progress display, and added an Open button to run a .py file.
- Added (READONLY) to the main window title bar when the database cannot be updated (due to permissions or if it's on an non-writable device).
High-DPI monitor (scaling) support improvements
- Fixed some dialog strings that were truncated at high dpis.
- Fixed narrow width of error message windows.
- Added ability to adjust dpi from debug menu (very limited capability; affects about screen and other manual scaling, but not dialogs).
- Added an option to Scale Icons in the main window toolbars based on screen dpi, in Options - Customize - Options.
- The panel toolbars (Location, Thumbnail View, Metadata) icons and combo boxes are now scaled and sized properly at high dpis.
- There are a few minor issues remaining (for example, some custom button bitmaps are too small, and the some image operation preview window menu buttons need to be larger). I will be continuing to improve high DPI support.
And more.
v9.0 [Jul 24, 2012]
- Update version and build info for beta 9
- Enabled updating of XMP fields based on image info and database info (i.e., annotation, keywords, user fields)
- UI icon updates
- Fixed memory leak in showlistthumb/realshowlistthumb
- Current thumbnail view mode now highlighted
- Fixed problem where individual or selected groups of thumbnails were not being updated on the screen after they were removed.
- Fixed crash when log functions pass null whence
- Fixed tree problem where some network paths where not correctly handled
- Fixed several cut/paste problems
- Fixed memory leak for view window status bars (pvp)
- Mostly fixed cut/paste from 48 and 16 bpp images, still some minor probs with 16-bit.
- Restoring from full-screen wasn't always displaying correctly.
- Fixed more general problem where in some resizing of the view window would not properly size and position the paint window.
- Fixed problem where T wasn't saving the expanded folder list on shutdown.
- Limited the saved expanded folder list to 500 elements.
- Log information when registering window classes, including failure messages.
- Added checking for ESC during tree expansions - especially useful for expand all (*)
- Changed TPWaitCursor logging to very verbose
- Enlarged Edit Favorites dialog and added a Sort button
- Fixed weird problem with overlays on tree icons (sometimes did not display properly)
- Moved tree data allocation to his own heap
- Fixed "Untitled" showing up on title bar. (InitInstance calls SetMainTitle() at the end)
- Favorite folders now marked in folder tree
- Folder icons now in multiple sizes for better appearance
- Updated folder icons (treemisc)
- Added missing item (fXempRotatePortrait or
- Fixed query for producing user list
- Fixed crash when trying to view task properties right as a task is ending
- Fixed bug in modified FullPathName; needs further testing!
- Fixed some task weirdness and crashes
- Made Back and Forward drop-downs functional in tree toolbar
- Improved found file list speed
- Fixed sort by combos not always working
- Made thumbnail and tree pane toolbars non-customizable.
- Restored Assign User Fields to Thumbnail menu (needs icon)
- Embiggened Assign User Fields dialog
- Fixed FileList problem when growing after initial build
- Put Assign User Fields (Ctrl U) back on the menu
- Keep 2 levels of doing "what" for log (maybe used more in the future)
- Cleaned up some doing code
- Fixed right-click non-current folder with "show child folders"
- Changed RefryFileList to log callers
- Changed RefryFileList to process several of the refresh flags
- Removed "allocating only x bytes" warnings unless verbosity set
- Fixed problem checking doinglevel >0 after already incremented
- Made DoingStart and DoingDone log whence called
- Fixed right-click non-current folder with "show child folders"
- Fixed bad thumbnail painting when switching to/from display modes without thumbnails.
- Removed old win95 code w/r/t mouse wheel
- Cleaned up some code in tpviewctl
- Tested Boost for hash_map (unordered_map), but was a bit slower than VC STL.
- Changed parent window for task "show errors" to avoid having to wait on other Doings.
- Improved filelist verbose logging
- Fixed memory bug with which T never used a mapped file for large allocations.
- Fixed problem modifying file list after creating (due to bad implementation of previous performance optimization)
- Improved performance of file list building from O(n^2) to O(n)
- Fixed enumeration of clipboard files
- Fixed problem displaying any animated GIF files after the first shown in a folder.
- Fixed problem where images would not load in a folder after aborting the load of any image.
v8.1 [Dec 20, 2010]
Several crashes are fixed, including a crash on startup (often preceded by Error 5011), and crashing on closing.
Changed the view window to open as a smaller size for small images.
Fixed several status bar issues in the view window.
v8.0 [Aug 2, 2008]
Here are a few of the new features in ThumbsPlus 8 (subject to change during beta!):
* XMP support
* Metadata (EXIF, XMP and IPTC) editing, single-file or batch.
* Unicode support throughout
* SQLite3 database support
* Database backup feature
* Extensive user interface improvements and customization
* Keyboard shortcut configuration
* Level and curve support
* Improved database performance