ThumbsPlus versions

Organizes, views, and searches image files
Jun 1, 2021
Mar 7, 2021
Aug 29, 2016
Jun 4, 2020
Nov 27, 2015
Editorial review
Jul 16, 2015
Oct 10, 2014
Oct 30, 2013
Editorial review
Feb 17, 2012
Jul 24, 2012
Editorial review
Dec 20, 2010
Oct 8, 2009
Aug 2, 2008
Editorial review
Jul 28, 2008
Sep 17, 2008
Jun 3, 2016
Mar 3, 2008
Editorial review
Mar 6, 2008
Aug 3, 2008
Jul 25, 2008
Dec 3, 2020
Sep 25, 2021

What's new

v10.1 [Nov 27, 2015]
User interface changes:
- Added Main Window Dialog Position to Options - Preferences - General.
- Fixed initial locations of some main window dialogs to properly locate based on preferences.
- Fixed not graying Render Alpha menu option when non-alpha image.
- Improved appearance and utility of Help - Program Updates.
- Fixed initial folder selected when browsing to select a folder.
- Fixed move/copy a file during slide show would bring the main ThumbsPlus window to the front.
- Maximum view window zoom increased to 128X.
- Added hard-coded zooms Ctrl+1,2,... to 10%, 20%, etc.
- Improved readability of the Metadata panel by setting the default to Use thumbnail colors everywhere in Options - Customize - Colors. If you're upgrading, I recommend enabling this option, or clicking Use defaults.
- Added an option in Options - Preferences - Confirmations for the confirmation of File - Delete to default to Yes, to match Windows Explorer behavior. The default for deleting folders default remains No for safety.
- In Options - Customize, I changed the customization category of several command from Clipboard to Edit, to match where they are on the main menu. Renamed the Clipboard category to Clipboard Copy. I also moved Tag and Untag Thumbnail to the Thumbnail category, as they were misplaced in Edit. (In the future, I will reduce the number of categories and disambiguate some ambiguous commands!)
- Changed the default for overwriting files during Image - Batch Process and Thumbnail - Export to be Yes, to match default Windows behavior.
- Fixed the height of the Metadata toolbar to match the heights of the Location and Thumbnail View toolbars.
- Fixed the File toolbar in the View window to be customizable.
- Cleaned up the database history in the Database - Open flyout menu to remove duplicates, sort by most recent, and check the currently-opened database.
- File - Properties wasn't always showing the proper file size for files larger than 4 GB.
- Made File - Copy and File - Move menu flyouts only add the special folders specified in Options - Proferences - Disks and Folders. Also made the names consistent with what shows in the main folder tree.
- Thumbnail - Remove - From Folder was not updating the thumbnail view.
- The Image - Color Adjust and Image - Color Depth dialogs did not have titles.
- Added File - Close Others to the view window menu (to close all other windows besides the current one).
- Moved Repair and Compact from Database - Advanced to the main Database menu.
- Added Database - Advanced - Move Thumbnails to Files to make the process easier (in earlier versions you had to type several Python commands).
- Fixed several blank dialog box captions (Color Depth, Adjust Color, and External Program).
- Improved Python panel command handling and progress display, and added an Open button to run a .py file.
- Added (READONLY) to the main window title bar when the database cannot be updated (due to permissions or if it's on an non-writable device).
High-DPI monitor (scaling) support improvements
- Fixed some dialog strings that were truncated at high dpis.
- Fixed narrow width of error message windows.
- Added ability to adjust dpi from debug menu (very limited capability; affects about screen and other manual scaling, but not dialogs).
- Added an option to Scale Icons in the main window toolbars based on screen dpi, in Options - Customize - Options.
- The panel toolbars (Location, Thumbnail View, Metadata) icons and combo boxes are now scaled and sized properly at high dpis.
- There are a few minor issues remaining (for example, some custom button bitmaps are too small, and the some image operation preview window menu buttons need to be larger). I will be continuing to improve high DPI support.
And more.

v9.0 [Jul 24, 2012]
- Update version and build info for beta 9
- Enabled updating of XMP fields based on image info and database info (i.e., annotation, keywords, user fields)
- UI icon updates
- Fixed memory leak in showlistthumb/realshowlistthumb
- Current thumbnail view mode now highlighted
- Fixed problem where individual or selected groups of thumbnails were not being updated on the screen after they were removed.
- Fixed crash when log functions pass null whence
- Fixed tree problem where some network paths where not correctly handled
- Fixed several cut/paste problems
- Fixed memory leak for view window status bars (pvp)
- Mostly fixed cut/paste from 48 and 16 bpp images, still some minor probs with 16-bit.
- Restoring from full-screen wasn't always displaying correctly.
- Fixed more general problem where in some resizing of the view window would not properly size and position the paint window.
- Fixed problem where T wasn't saving the expanded folder list on shutdown.
- Limited the saved expanded folder list to 500 elements.
- Log information when registering window classes, including failure messages.
- Added checking for ESC during tree expansions - especially useful for expand all (*)
- Changed TPWaitCursor logging to very verbose
- Enlarged Edit Favorites dialog and added a Sort button
- Fixed weird problem with overlays on tree icons (sometimes did not display properly)
- Moved tree data allocation to his own heap
- Fixed "Untitled" showing up on title bar. (InitInstance calls SetMainTitle() at the end)
- Favorite folders now marked in folder tree
- Folder icons now in multiple sizes for better appearance
- Updated folder icons (treemisc)
- Added missing item (fXempRotatePortrait or
- Fixed query for producing user list
- Fixed crash when trying to view task properties right as a task is ending
- Fixed bug in modified FullPathName; needs further testing!
- Fixed some task weirdness and crashes
- Made Back and Forward drop-downs functional in tree toolbar
- Improved found file list speed
- Fixed sort by combos not always working
- Made thumbnail and tree pane toolbars non-customizable.
- Restored Assign User Fields to Thumbnail menu (needs icon)
- Embiggened Assign User Fields dialog
- Fixed FileList problem when growing after initial build
- Put Assign User Fields (Ctrl U) back on the menu
- Keep 2 levels of doing "what" for log (maybe used more in the future)
- Cleaned up some doing code
- Fixed right-click non-current folder with "show child folders"
- Changed RefryFileList to log callers
- Changed RefryFileList to process several of the refresh flags
- Removed "allocating only x bytes" warnings unless verbosity set
- Fixed problem checking doinglevel >0 after already incremented
- Made DoingStart and DoingDone log whence called
- Fixed right-click non-current folder with "show child folders"
- Fixed bad thumbnail painting when switching to/from display modes without thumbnails.
- Removed old win95 code w/r/t mouse wheel
- Cleaned up some code in tpviewctl
- Tested Boost for hash_map (unordered_map), but was a bit slower than VC STL.
- Changed parent window for task "show errors" to avoid having to wait on other Doings.
- Improved filelist verbose logging
- Fixed memory bug with which T never used a mapped file for large allocations.
- Fixed problem modifying file list after creating (due to bad implementation of previous performance optimization)
- Improved performance of file list building from O(n^2) to O(n)
- Fixed enumeration of clipboard files
- Fixed problem displaying any animated GIF files after the first shown in a folder.
- Fixed problem where images would not load in a folder after aborting the load of any image.

v8.1 [Dec 20, 2010]
Several crashes are fixed, including a crash on startup (often preceded by Error 5011), and crashing on closing.
Changed the view window to open as a smaller size for small images.
Fixed several status bar issues in the view window.

v8.0 [Aug 2, 2008]
Here are a few of the new features in ThumbsPlus 8 (subject to change during beta!):
* XMP support
* Metadata (EXIF, XMP and IPTC) editing, single-file or batch.
* Unicode support throughout
* SQLite3 database support
* Database backup feature
* Extensive user interface improvements and customization
* Keyboard shortcut configuration
* Level and curve support
* Improved database performance

Alternative downloads


Convert, resize, crop, watermark, and rename multiple photos in batch mode.


Apply multiple image editing tasks in a sequence to several pictures.

Filter Forge Freepack 6 - Patterns
Filter Forge Freepack 6

A set of nine filters that can generate patterns and backgrounds.

Pictures Thumbnails Maker
Pictures Thumbnails Maker

Universal image organizer.

ThumbsPlus Digicam Raw Plug-in
ThumbsPlus Digicam Raw Plug

ThumbsPlus Digicam Raw Plug-in support many additional manufacturers and models.